Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Contrasts between Spain and Poland

After a month living in Krakow I can write down some contrasts between my country of residence and Poland, where I´m living at the moment.
I begin with the weather. When you think spring is coming, is not for always. For example, last weekend in Krakow were 20º degrees and now I wear my scarf again. Sometimes, these changes of weather make you to have different moods. I recognize that in Spain, specifically Seville, where I live, temperatures are extremely higher (45º degrees in summer). It´s so much but sometimes I miss Mediterranean weather.
I´m surprised walking in the street and see people all the time eating bagels (obwarzanek in polish). Furthermore, they don´t usually have lunch, they prefer to eat bagels, if they do.
Anyway, I have tasted the famous bagels and I can say that they are delicious. I have eaten different types of food here: pierogi, bagels (obwarzanek), soups (Poland has lot of kind of tasty soups).
Of course, Polish people have different work timetables. We can do the same times of work, in particular 8 hours, but polish people don´t usually spend time having lunch or breakfast so they finish their work at 17 or 18 pm. In Spain, we usually having breakfast and lunch, for this reason we finish our work at 8 pm. I can understand Polish people finish earlier than in Spain, because at 17.30 is sunset.
Poland and Spain are different, but Polish people usually are so friendly to Spanish and this city offers many Spanish things: coffees, masses, restaurants, Cervantes Institute…
So if the Spanish readers decide to come here it will be a great choice.

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