Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Tourism in the city

Krakow is plenty of different places that you never going to be bored to visit them!

Last weekend I decided to visit many famous places taking the opportunity weather is better.

First place, I began my tour in the main square called "Rynek". It was amazing to see people walking, children playing and I can´t not forget pigeons! This is pigeons city! The building I like most is St. Mary Church because from the top of the higher tower you can hear a trumpet player who plays every hour. In polish is called HejnaƂ and there are lots of tourists who want to visit him to heard the melody from his trumpet.

Second place, we went to take a break and we went to drink a delicious beer near Florian´s gate. And we saw a funny man dressed up beer and I could not resist to take a photo of him! 

After break, we continued our trip and we went to Wawel to visit the Cathedral and the Castle. This place is gorgeus because from there you can see all the city. If you go to Wawel, you can not going without touching the bell! 

Finally, we down the hill and went to the centre to continue visiting this city. You can notice spring is every place, so we went to sit down in the grass of a big famous park around the old city, Krakow´s Planty. In this city you always will have things to do!

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